The most nutritious and the most health-preserving in comparison
SON Formula® is a medical food. Medical foods are required by statute to be administered under the supervision of a physician, but there is no requirement for a prescription.
Extreme Sports
Carla Perrotti
the Lady that crossed the Taklimakan Desert
The Desert of the Irrevocable Death
By Carla Perrotti
Five hundred fifty (550) kilometers (343.75 miles) of desert, of absolute solitude, fatigue and intense cold at night. Up and down in a sea of sand waves with a 24 kg (52.8 lb) backpack on her shoulder and only 27 miraculous pills/day to nourish her. This is how Carla Perrotti, as the first human being in the world, crossed alone, the feared inhabitable area known as the Taklimakan desert in China, the world’s second largest desert after the Sahara.
Pictures by Carla and Oscar Perrotti
The Lady of the Deserts
By Ferdinando Cereda
In theory, there were many doubts about the possibility of succeeding in a solo crossing of the Taklimakan desert. Not only the logistical and technical aspects, but also the athletic and nutritional aspects required extreme careful study. Following, we describe how everything was realized, without leaving anything to chance, in order to succeed on this almost unachievable accomplishment.
Over 500 km (343.75 miles) to be traveled in an environment that is certainly not hospitable. 35 °C (95 °F) by day and -12 °C (10.4 °F) at night. The Taklimakan desert’s natural environment is certainly not the best: sand, rock, and, from time to time, some puddles of water, from which Carla Perrotti draws her survival. The crossing of a desert, being alone and self-sufficient involves an enormous task and risks. From a logistical point of view, it is important to always be able to report your position, to allow the assistance staff to intervene quickly in case of danger or illness. From a technical point of view it is necessary to have the best advanced equipment available in tent, brackets, shoes, clothing, backpack, satellite phone etc.
From an athletic point of view, you need to be in perfect physical shape. As a matter of fact, in addition to maintaining an average of 20 km (12.5 miles) per day, Carla carried everything she needed on her shoulders, including food and water, an average of 24 kg (52 lb). To support this effort, the No Limits team athlete, despite maintaining training throughout the year, faced a specific athletic training for about six months couched by her long-time athletic trainer Franco Nava. A body’s training program had been tailor-made for Carla and included muscle strengthening exercises for arms, legs and chest and endless walks with a loaded backpack, up to 40 kg (88 lb)!
Another carefully studied aspect was that of nutrition. According to the current knowledge of medical sciences, a human being needs six nutrients in order to live and respond to environmental stress in the best possible way: water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, mineral and trace elements. Normally, we get these nutrients from any food such as fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. However, the only thing that the desert offered to Carla was the dirty and muddy water in some puddles, from which the lady of the deserts could only drink after having disinfected it with the required specific tablets.
Providential, at this point, was the cooperation from Professor Maurizio Luca Moretti, an internationally renowned researcher, director of the nutritional research program at the International Nutrition Research Center (USA) who, thanks to his discoveries in the field of human nutrition, provided Carla with all the advanced safe and efficient nutritional support that she needed to complete her endeavor successfully.
As a result, after 24 days crossing the desert, Carla Perrotti, successfully accomplished her endeavor. She felt happy, tired, but not extremely exhausted like in her previous endeavors. Surprisingly, Carla was in a significant better physical and physiological performance than ever before.
The previous statements are based not only on the objective observations of each one of the members of Carla’s Team, but also on the scientific evidence proceeding from the physiological and physical medical tests that Carla underwent before and after the crossing of the Taklimakan desert. These physiological and physical tests were performed on Carla by the team of Professor Rovelli and Professor Mariani at the Institute of Sport Medicine Institute in Milan (Italy). The comparative before and after clinical studies results have shown that all the physiological and physical parameters that had been tested, such as, muscle strength, muscle endurance and lean mass etc. improved by 20%.
In conclusion, Carla Perrotti, despite the fact of being unable to eat in her usual way, had become stronger. Her breathing capacity, muscle mass and body’s anthropometric characteristics had improved, thus increasing her physical and physiological performance.
As well known, the human body must be constantly supplied with the required nutrients in order to provide itself, the necessary Body’s Protein Synthesis (BPS) and energy.
SON-formula, Ener-formula and VIT-formula are the names of products developed and produced by the International Nutrition Research Center (INRC) (USA), a leading research institution in the field of human nutrition, led by Prof. Dr. Maurizio Luca Moretti. The previous mentioned products were provided to Carla Perrotti, of No Limits Team®, to ensure the safest and healthiest nutritional support, in order to prevent any cardiovascular, renal, hepatic or digestive overloading. Thus, minimizing any physiological or physical fatigue, while maximizing both physiological and physical performance.