The most nutritious and the most health-preserving in comparison
SON Formula® is a medical food. Medical foods are required by statute to be administered under the supervision of a physician, but there is no requirement for a prescription.
Exceptional Testimonials
1. Pediatrics: liver transplant; kidney failure; malnutrition; hemodialysis; anemia; and blood transfusions.
2. Geriatrics and Gerontology: anti-aging.
3. Eating disorders; and anorexia nervosa.
4. Infertility; pregnancy; and breastfeeding.
5. Eating disorders; obesity; bariatric surgery; malabsorption; malnutrition; and body’s negative nitrogen balance.
6. Fitness
7. Bodybuilding
8. The crossing of the Taklamakan Desert
9. The crossing of the Atlantic Ocean
10. Two Hundred Five Worldwide IRONMAN Competitions; overused Achilles tendon injury; Achilles tendinitis; herniated spinal disc surgery (L4-L5-S1); heart ablation.