The most nutritious and the most health-preserving in comparison
SON Formula® is a medical food. Medical foods are required by statute to be administered under the supervision of a physician, but there is no requirement for a prescription.
Pedro J. Villa
By Pedro J. Villa,
My name is Pedro J. Villa, I am 55 years old and I am a World Bodybuilding Champion, thanks to my four inseparable companions: enthusiasm, determination, hard work and the use of the safe and nutritionally effective SON Formula®(MAP Master Amino Acid Pattern®)!
I started training in weight lifting at the age of 15 then when I was 18-year-old, I entered my first local competition. At the age of 23, I set up my
own gym to coach people of any age to be in good health and good body shape. Meanwhile, I continued training hard and competing. As a result, I won several competitions, thus becoming Champion of Spain in 1987, Champion of the Mediterranean Sea in 1999, and eventually, Absolute Champion of Europe (FIBO) in 2000. Of course, at that time, being young, healthy, hardworking, and full of energy, nothing seemed impossible for me to achieve.
On November 16,2007, my first son Pedro J. “Junior” was born. Then, on October 7,2008, my second son Bryan was born. They have always been the best trophies of my life. Becoming a father changed my life, therefore, I decided to retire from competing, to dedicate more time to my family and to my business. I continued on that pathway for several years. Then, in 2009, for the first time, I became a devoted user of SON Formula. From the first moment I used it, I had, just in a period of few weeks, a significant, measurable and progressive increase in my muscle mass, strength, endurance, and a remarkable faster muscle recovery. Since then, the safe and nutritionally effective use of SON Formula® has become the central point of my diet and that of each one of the athletes I coach.
As a result in 2011, at 44 years old I made another of my great dreams come true, I became the ABSOLUTE CHAMPION ARNOLD CLASSIC 2011. Then, I decided to keep competing for the 2012 World Cup(Budapest)where I got a second place, which was not enough for me. Therefore, I decided again, to withdraw from competing and dedicate myself more to my family life. I agreed, that my next goal,should be to compete for the 2017 World Cups once I turned 50 years of age.
Then, when I became 50 years old, I made the decision to go back to competing, realizing, of course, that at my age, it was not something common or easy to achieve. However, I felt extremely confident that thanks to my enthusiasm, determination, hard work, and the safe and nutritionally effective use of Son Formula®, I could get unprecedented results!
I went back to my training with the enthusiasm of a young guy. My health, my body shape and my muscle recovery were always nothing less than excellent.
It was hard to believe it!
As a result in 2018, when I turned 51 years old, I got back to competition, continuing to expand my sporting record starting this great year proclaiming myself European Champion (Master) again, and a few weeks later, facing athletes 25 years younger than me, winning, for the second time, the first place as Champion Diamond Cup in Madrid (Master) and as Champion Diamond Cup in Rome. However, the best was yet to come when, at the end of 2018, I became the World Champion 2018 (Master).
I made news headlines and many young and old athletes asked me what my secret was. I told them that there are only four words to sum it up: enthusiasm, determination, hard work and the use of SON Formula®.
To conclude, let us keep in mind, that during our aging process, we are progressively losing the overall capability to digest, to absorb and utilize nutrients. Paradoxically, under those circumstances, the more physical activity we perform, the more our body’s percentage of lean tissue mass is going to decrease. Thus, by losing muscle mass, strength and endurance, we gradually decrease our physical activity becoming weaker and weaker. Consequently, when we perform even a mild physical activity, our physical recovery period could be endless. In accordance with my professional experience, I have seen that this vicious cycle can be reversed. By taking SON Formula, as a safe and nutritionally effective substitute of dietary proteins, every day, in the required dosage, and starting again by having a mild, progressive, personalized physical activity, the previous described vicious cycle can be reversed. As a result, a better quality of life can be achieved!!! For the previously described reasons, now, at 55 years of age, I am confidently looking forward to be World Champion in my master category again and, of course, as always… I will have with me my four inseparable companions: enthusiasm, determination, hard work and the safe and nutritionally effective use of my SON Formula®!!! No doubt, if I did it, everybody can do it!